E.VAX - Chillin Island (Original Score)
RELEASE DATE 03.17.2023
Digital Album
TRACKLIST1. something we never imagined
2. rich dollas
3. a bitter heart
4. safe bet
5. to queens
6. what up, pricks?
7. Young Thug cheetah
8. one song
9. Ski trips
10. pink man
11. seaplane
12. diving
13. snake eaters
14. a forest of identical houses
15. a very fine line
16. Tecca seasick
17. people are food
18. quieres leche?
19. god's plumbers
20. Ski Mask lost and alone
21. the sea is not for people
22. hate Pink Floyd
23. the guide
24. the ocean is a scary place
25. chameleon
26. a terrible idea